Student Accounts
Additional Information Policies
Aquinas College makes use of the ACI Payments, Inc (Official Payments) to collect our tuition payments.
Payment Due Date:
Tuition, fees, room and board are due in full before the start of classes for each
semester/quadmester unless a deferred payment plan has been selected. Any traffic
fines and other miscellaneous charges are due within 30 days from when they were incurred.
Miscellaneous charges include but are not limited to: Health Center charges, Library
fines, and Judicial fines.
A service charge of one percent per month will be assessed on all past due balances.
A student whose account is delinquent will be dropped from the respective payment
plan and the remaining balance due for the semester or quadmester will be due and
payable immediately. Students who are indebted to the College will not be permitted
to re-register or receive a transcript of record or degree until all financial obligations
are settled.
Returned Checks:
If a check is returned for any reason, a fee of $30 will be imposed.
Refund Policy for Drops and Withdrawals
Drops and withdrawals can be made by contacting the Registrar and Academic Advising
Center or the Graduate Offices. Only students can initiate registration changes.
All students have until 4 p.m. on the tenth business day of the semester/quadmester
to drop a class for a full refund. The tenth business day will always be the second
Friday of the semester/quadmester. Any course dropped after 4 p.m. on the tenth business
day will be charged at the full tuition rate. Tuition refunds resulting from schedule
changes will be based on the date of official notification by the student in writing
to the Registrar/Academic Advising Center.
The College assumes that a student beginning a semester intends to complete it. Any
student who wishes to withdraw from the College or from the semester must inform the
appropriate administrative offices by completing a withdrawal form. The withdrawal form is available in the Registrar/Academic Advising Center. Students
who complete a withdrawal form will have charges adjusted according to the following
scale, if they withdraw from all courses:
Non-Traditional Students in 8-Week Format Courses:
- During the first two weeks of the quad = 100% refund
- During the third week of the quad = 60% refund
- During the fourth week of the quad = 50% refund
- After the fourth week of the quad = Full charges apply
- All fees are nonrefundable
Any Student in 16-Week Format Courses:
- During the first two weeks of the semester 100% refund
- During the third week of the semester 90% refund
- During the fourth week of the semester 75% refund
- During the fifth week of the semester 70% refund
- During the sixth week of the semester 60% refund
- During the eighth week of the semester 50% refund
- After the eighth week of the semester full charges apply
- All fees are nonrefundable
All withdrawal forms must be turned into the Registrar’s Office by 4 p.m.on Friday.
Any form received after 4 p.m. on Friday will be processed as of the following week.
If a student withdraws from ALL classes AND receive financial assistance, the student
must contact the Financial Aid Office for an exit interview. The student's rights
and responsibilities concerning the College's refund policy will be discussed.
Tuition refunds resulting from drops, withdrawals, and schedule changes will be based
on the date of official notification in writing to the Registrar/Academic Advising
The definition of a "full-time" regular student is: (1) traditional age students (Program
type "R" for Regular) and (2) registered for a minimum of 12 semester hours in a semester.
A student with a program type of "R" will be considered "full-time" as of the 15th
calendar day of the semester, regardless of schedule changes, and will be charged
the package rate for all credit hours between 12 and 18. Credit hours in excess of
18 will be charged on a per credit-hour basis.
When a less than "full-time" regular student increases their credit hour load during
the semester to 12 or more semester hours, they will then be considered a "full-time"
student and will be charged the package rate for the semester.
No Show
Students who do not officially drop a class within the initial 10th business day add/drop
period because of non-attendance and are administratively dropped from a class, will
be assessed a fee of $150 per class. For students officially dropping a class, either
before the class starts or within the first two weeks of the class, there will be
no charge.
Appeals by those students who feel that individual circumstances warrant exceptions
from the established policies should be made in writing to the Appeals Committee,
Student Accounts Office.
Student Accounts
Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: (616) 632-2864